

Go to settings and set the following options

  1. no chat history
  2. just people on my list can write me
  3. just people on my list can call me
  4.   Configuring the zabbix server

That’s the easy part.

  1. Just check in your zabbix_server.conf to where the AlertScriptsPath points to.
  2. Then add a symbolic link of sendim.sh in this directory. ( Zabbix calls the script like this: scriptname username subject message )
  3. Go to the zabbix frontend and create the new Skype media type:
    • Description: Skype
    • Type: Script
    • Script name: sendim.sh
  4. Finally, set up your skype address in your profile and check if you have an action, that sends messages to your all medias or skype media.








使用Ubuntu server 12.0.4来替换RHEL5.5。

按照老外大牛的博客进行操作:  http://www.qxs.ch/2011/01/07/skype-instant-messages-from-zabbix/


1、zabbix通过skype发送报警消息之安装skype http://myhat.blog.51cto.com/391263/925274

2、zabbix通过skype发送报警消息之切换平台 http://myhat.blog.51cto.com/391263/926247

3、zabbix通过skype发送报警消息之弯路 http://myhat.blog.51cto.com/391263/926296

4、zabbix通过skype发送报警消息之终结  http://myhat.blog.51cto.com/391263/923592